Monday, March 25, 2019

Rethinking the Philosophy of Education Essay -- Teaching Education Res

Rethinking the Philosophy of rearingABSTRACT Philosophy is a special modality of signifying the world. If philosophy is the habitation where the question is shank, then the task of the philosophy of grooming is to turn didactics into a problem through the practice of criticism. With this in mind we ask, Is command possible? What can really be ventilateted? If man, as analytic thinking indicates, is constituted as a desirous being, learning is possible just if desire is present. This interweaving of philosophy and psychoanalysis leads us to consider the impossibility of education in terms of three questions. (1) Is it possible or desirable to transmit the culture in its entirety? (2) Is learning possible without desire? (3) Could both pedagogical syllabus cover for lack in the other? In the field of teaching, no one should be inhis place anyplace (I quieten down with thiscontinuous shifting if roughly day I found myplace, I would not even pretend to teach, Iwould perfectl y give up)Roland Barthes, Lobvie et lobtus.We are living a heartbeat of deep, historical mutation, in which traditional meanings are dissolving. This makes it necessary to re-think the certainties which the essentialist and totalizing Modern blueprint has crystallized to question them from the standpoint of the crossroads at which this age of postmodernism has situated us. But Modernity has not been a homogeneous process some new routes have been opened and they allow us to question those truths. Rousseau, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger, Foucault and some others enable todays reflexion taking other different standpoints. This is what we will yield to do in relation to education.Philosophy is a special way of signifying the world and turning reality... ...ndiscipline, failure, maladjustment.In a multiple, globalized, changing world, subject to deep, genial unfairness, the philosophy of education must question thought in tack to keep on resisting, in order to dare to think the o ut of the question and must prosecute the underground task of unmasking of the nietzschean mole.Notes(1) F. Kafka, Carta al padre, Nuevomar, Mxico, 1983. p.26-27.(2) M. Heidegger, Qu significa pensar?, Nova, Buenos aires, 1958, p. 20.(3) I. Bergman, Las mejores intenciones, Tusquets, Mxico, 1993.(4) J. Lacan, El Seminario 6. El deseo y su interpretacin, Paids, Buenos Aires, 1995. (5) A. S. Neil, Summerhill. Un punto de vista radical sobre la educacin d elos nios, Fondo de Cultura Econmica, p. 20. (6) A. Puiggrs, Volver a educar. El desafo de la enseanza argentina a finales del siglo XX, Ariel, 1995, p. 95

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